You can make a difference in your local community as a Washington FFA Alumni member.
FFA Alumni chapters across the state help local FFA members learn more, do more, and serve more. Together, we are growing leaders, building communities, and strengthening agriculture.
Ask your chapter advisor how to join your local alumni chapter! Seniors, you’ll automatically be enrolled as an alumni member after graduation.
Start an alumni chapter to support your program in and out of the classroom and develop new opportunities for student success.
Join your local alumni chapter and provide much-needed support for your community's agricultural education programs.
Start an FFA Alumni Chapter
A Washington FFA Alumni Chapter helps to rally the local community around agricultural education and FFA activities. FFA alumni chapters also provide a helping hand to FFA advisors in coordinating activities for the local FFA chapter.
FFA Alumni serve a vital role in supporting the local agriculture instructor by gifting time and talent in support of FFA members' learning in and out of the classroom.
Graduating FFA members receive 5 FREE years of FFA Alumni membership! It's never too early to build community support for FFA!
Sign up and take advantage of your FFA Alumni membership:
Log into the Student Toolbox from your account and access Account Settings.
Click Edit Personal Profile and select Advance to Alumni. If your chapter does not have an alumni chapter, select the state-at-large chapter.
Community Members
If you're passionate about agriculture and FFA, we need your help! Like many teachers across the country, agriculture instructors are struggling to do more with less.
Here's how an FFA alumni chapter can help:
Provide volunteers to chaperone field trips, judge CDEs/LDEs, and help with chapter events.
Raise awareness of, and advocate for agricultural education and FFA in the local community.
Support the local agriculture teacher in whatever way they feel is best for their program!
Contact Us
We're working hard to develop resources and information to support local FFA alumni chapters throughout Washington. If you need assistance setting up an alumni chapter please contact Tamara Whitcomb at