Career & Leadership Development Events (CDEs/LDEs) build on what is learned in agricultural classes and encourage members to put their knowledge into practice. These events are designed to help a member prepare for a career in agriculture by testing and challenging the student's technical, leadership, interpersonal, and teamwork skills as well as their knowledge of the subject matter. CDEs answer the question, "When will I use this knowledge in the real world?" One of the unique things about the National FFA Organization is the myriad of events that we offer. Career Development Events (CDEs) and Leadership Development Events (LDEs) cover job skills in everything from communications to mechanics and technical science or math applied to agricultural scenarios. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams.

At a state level, we provide the opportunity to participate in upward of 30 CDEs/LDEs to captivate and engage members across a spectrum of interest and career areas. So whether you're excited by the scent of pine or you find yourself at home with your nose in the books, there's something here for you. 


Washington FFA CDE/LDE Handbooks = posted on each individual CDE/LDE page (linked on the right).

Pre convention CDE Registration

NOTE: For State Convention CDE/LDE eventsAs you may have learned following Spring WAAE Executive Committee meeting, chapters that wish to compete in state-level CDE’s that take place AT state convention, must field the required number of participants to compete. With the large numbers of students involved in many of the “straight to state” CDEs, logistics, time, and resources have to be considered. If a team is defined in the CDE as a 4 person team, then ONLY chapters with teams of 4 will be able to compete at state convention. This ruling does NOT affect district level competitions, or state level CDEs that take place outside of state convention at this time. The executive committee took into consideration a request to review contests that do not meet the minimum of 16 teams and allow for a chapter to compete with less than the minimum to help grow the experience and understanding of the contest, and this will be allowable. In summary:

Milk Quality and Products Evaluation: 4/5 contest- must have 4 to compete.

Food Science and Technology: 4/5 contest – must have 4 to compete.

Meats Evaluation: 4/6 contest – must have 4 to compete.

First Year Member: 3-5 members – must have 3 to compete.

Veterinary Science: 4/5 contest – must have 4 to compete.

Farm and Agribusiness Management: Does not exceed the minimum number of teams – 4/5 contest- does not require a team of 4 to compete.