FFA members who participate in the Agricultural Issues Forum LDE identify, research and present information on agricultural issues that are relevant to their communities, creating an inherent connection between the members and their presentation. Each team has already presented on a current issue facing agriculture to local community groups prior to competing in the state event. In the presentation both sides of the issue are addressed, allowing audience members to form their own opinions.

Electronic Submission of Portfolios are due April 15, 2024 11:59 PM

2024 State Winning Issues Team-Reardan

State Winning Team 2024: Reardan

2024 WA FFA Ag Issues Results

State Winning Team 2023: Lynden Christian

2023 WA FFA Ag Issues Results

State Winning Team 2022: Reardan Mandate

2022 WA FFA Ag Issues Results

State Winning Team 2021: Elma (Labor), coached by Katie Vetter

2021.WAFFA Ag Issues Results

2020 = state event cancelled due to COVID-19

State Winning Team 2019: Reardan, coached by Rick Perleberg

2019.WA FFA Ag Issues Results

2018: Reardan 1, coached by Rick Perleberg

2018.WA FFA Ag Issues Results

2017: Pomeroy, coached by Rob Matthews & Kyle Kimble

2017.WA FFA Ag Issues Results

2016: Reardan, coached by Rick Perleberg

2016.WA FFA Agricultural Issues CDE Results

2015: Reardan, coached by Rick Perleberg