Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE

The Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE (formerly Novice Parliamentary Procedure) challenges first-year members to perform the official FFA opening ceremonies, run an efficient chapter meeting, and engage in a group discussion. This LDE develops public speaking, memorization, and problem solving skills. It often serves as an introductory competition for Greenhand FFA members.

2024 State Winning CCM Team-Asotin

2024 State Winning Team: Asotin

2024 WA FFA Conduct of Chapter Meeting Results

2023 State Winning Team: Asotin

2023 WA FFA Conduct of Chapter Meeting Results

2022 State Winning Team: Asotin

2022 WA FFA Conduct of Chapter Meeting Results

4th place in the nation 2019 - Asotin FFA

4th place in the nation 2019 - Asotin FFA

2021 State Winning Team: Asotin (Results)

2020 = state event cancelled due to COVID-19

2019 State Winning Team: Asotin (Landrus)

2019.WA FFA Conduct of Chapter Meeting Results

2018 State Winning Team: Connell (Thonney, Shattuck)

2018.WA FFA Conduct of Chapter Meeting Results

2017 State Winning Team: Asotin, coached by Glen Landrus

2017.WA FFA Conduct of Chapter Meetings Results

2016 State Team: Prosser, coached by Steve Hayter

2016.WA FFA Novice Parliamentary Procedure CDE Results