Washington FFA Applications - Now Open!
/Happy New Year!
Applications for various degrees, awards, honors, and leadership opportunities are open and available as of today!
We have put considerable effort into ensuring that processes and materials are available on our website and clearly outlined to eliminate confusion. All information for the various applications can be found on our website under the Student or Advisor tabs. I have also included links below for reference.
Noteworthy changes for 2023:
1) American Degree Applications are due March 1, 2023. Applications are submitted electronically via the National FFA Application Center.
2) State Star battery forms are available for download on our website. The battery form plus the required application materials will be uploaded via JotForm. Due March 1, 2023.
3) The State Star Finalists review process will include a virtual interview with the state selection committee early April.
4) District Review Results need to be submitted to Tamara Whitcomb using this template: Washington FFA District Review Results Template.
All applications are submitted electronically through the National FFA Application System or JotForm, no applications need to be printed or placed in the mail. Due dates for each application are listed on our website, any late or incomplete applications will not be accepted (this includes signature pages).
As a reminder, each District within the state is responsible for hosting a review of all district applications by FFA Advisors for the following: State Degrees, Proficiency Awards, and District Stars. Upon completion of the review and before March 1, 2023, one designated representative for the district is to submit the results of the district review on the Washington FFA District Review Results Template to Tamara Whitcomb (tamara.whitcomb@k12.wa.us). The state-led FFA Award Application Review will be happening in person this year on March 4, 2023, from 8:30 am–1:00 pm at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake.
Thank you again for the work you do for your students. If you have any questions about awards, degrees, leadership opportunities, etc. please don’t hesitate to contact Tamara Whitcomb, Lisa Baser, or Dany Payne.
Website Resource Links:
Awards & Applications Central: https://www.washingtonffa.org/awardsapplications
State Degrees: https://www.washingtonffa.org/state-degree
American Degrees: https://www.washingtonffa.org/american-degree
State Stars: https://www.washingtonffa.org/state-stars
Proficiency Awards: https://www.ffa.org/participate/awards/proficiencies/
National Chapter Award: https://www.washingtonffa.org/national-chapter-award
State Office: https://www.washingtonffa.org/state-officers